Have your say on the Second Emissions Reduction Plan!
Bring your voice to call for an end to free carbon credits for big industry polluters!
The government is currently consulting on the second emissions reduction plan laying out their approach to reduce emissions in New Zealand during the period 2026 – 2030.
This is the crucial window when we can phase out free carbon credits.
This consultation is an opportunity to have a say and join with the Don’t Subsidise Pollution campaign to call for meaningful climate action.
Submissions close on Wednesday 21 August 2024.
How to gather submissions in your community.
Get the full briefing - Come to our webinar explaining all the key steps to gathering submissions on Tuesday 06 August, 7:30-8:30pm, or watch the recording after that date. Zoom link here.
Give notice: Get a notice put into your church service or meeting agenda about why and when you'll be gathering submissions - notice templates here. They key Sundays during the submission period are Sunday 11 August and Sunday 18 August.
Prepare submission materials and stationary:
Paper submission forms to print (simple 3 questions to answer)
2-page explainers about the campaign and submission opportunity.
Prepare any devices you can to gather online submissions or send direct people to the link bit.ly/submit2endfreecredits to use their own device to make a submission online (6 questions to answer)
Template for gathering children's submissions / pictures (1 question to answer)
Prepare the tech required to show the campaign video if you can, and to bring up this slide that shows a QR code and URL to the online submission form
Help people write their submissions - during morning tea or a special slot in the meeting or service, give people time to write their submissions.
Gather up and send us the submissions - gather up any paper submissions and scan or take photos of them to alex@commongrace.nz. Feel free to include photos from your event that we can share on social media!

If you are wanting to gather submissions in your community, such as in your Church on a Sunday or in a community meeting, here's some key steps to make that as easy as possible.
For more guidance on how to run a submission writing event in churches read our step by step guide here, or email alex@commongrace.nz for any questions.
Write to your MP to end free credits!
Writing to and seeking to meet with your MP is one of the best ways you can make an impact on the issues that matter to you.
Does your local MP think that subsidising pollution during a climate crisis makes sense? Will they work towards ending free carbon credits in the Emissions Trading Scheme by 2030?
Take practical action together with others in this campaign by sending a letter to your new MP to ask these questions. Our template below makes this an easy 5 minute action.
If you want to request a meeting with your MP as part of your letter, that is even better! We can support you with resources and a briefing to help you have a really effective meeting with your MP. Let us know once you have a meeting set up by contacting Alex at alex@commongrace.nz.
Image credits:
Parliament petition handover - Luke Pilkington-Ching
Methanex Motonui plant - Fiona Clark
Te Whanganui-a-Tara climate strike 2023 - Elliot Blyth
Auckland floods image - Aaron Montrose
All other images from iStock